1 min read
Call For Songs Submission: The 11th South African Upcoming Music Awards

18 June 2024

The South African Upcoming Music Awards (SAUMA) has officially opened its doors for song submissions, inviting aspiring musicians to showcase their talent and make a mark in South African music industry. This exciting opportunity presents a chance for emerging artists to gain recognition and celebrate their creativity on a national platform.

With a submission deadline set for October 16, 2024, musicians are encouraged to seize this moment by sending in their song links to sauma11@saumagroup.co.za. This call for entries opens up a world of possibilities for artists looking to elevate their careers and bring their music to a wider audience.

The SAUMA Awards not only recognize talent but also celebrate the passion, creativity, and resilience of upcoming musicians.

"To the upcoming musicians, the Sauma Awards celebrate your passion, creativity, and resilience. 

Remember, every note you play, every lyric you write, and every performance you give brings you closer to your dreams.

 The journey may be challenging, but it's your unique voice and dedication that will set you apart.

Keep pushing boundaries, stay true to your art, and know that your efforts will one day inspire others. Your time is coming—believe in the power of your music, for it has the potential to change the world."

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity! For more details, visit the official SAUMA submission page.

Follow SAUMA for more info.

Video: SAUMA 10 Highligts