Title: Nation Riddim
Featured Artists: Iwan Suhyini x Kurrency x WhyPree x Konkara JahVibez x Jahboy Malakai x Missi x Kojo Biblikal x Young Dickson x Aries
Label: Gideon Force International
Produced By: lwan Suhyini
Genre: Reggae Dancehall Afrobeat
Released: January 2025
Gideon Force International outta Ghana sets the stage for musical revolution with its latest release titled "Nation Riddim - VA" - a powerful Afrobeat riddim instrumental dedicated to the Ghana Nation in the new government era.
1. She Seh - Kurrency x WhyPree
2. Run Di Frontline - Konkarah Jahvybz
3. Not Perfect - Missi x Kojo Biblikal
4. Hope and Pray - Street Vybz
5. Father - Aries
6. Odasani - Jahboy Malakai
7. Makoma - Ghaza Wan
8. Nsa Buro - Young Dickson AKA YD
9. Ganja Mi Smoke - Iwan Suhyini
10. Nation Riddim (Afro Beats Instrumental) - Iwan Suhyini